da’ /daɁ/ v. stand; be there

da’fa /daɁʎa/ v. wait (standing); halt; pause

da’hi’-da’mo /daɁhiɁ-daɁmo/ v. stand for a while; wait for a while

da’mo /daɁmo/ v. rest; take a breather [syn. hémò]

da’re’ke /daɁreɁke/ n. lower rack over the fireplace [syn. daare’ re’ke]

dáa /dáa/ vr. take step; pace; tread

daanw /daanɨ/ n. a gift item on the occasion of Mida, a part of Apatani marriage ceremony

daapo /daapo/ n. a gift item on the occasion of Mida, a part of Apatani marriage ceremony

daara’ /daaraɁ/ adj. stiff (as of a cliff)

daare’ re’ke /daareɁ reɁke/ n. lower rack over the fireplace [syn. da’re’ke]

daarò /daarò/ adj. big step [ant. daazó]

daaze /daaɲe/ n. two steps

daazó /daaɲó/ adj. small step [ant. daarò]

dacañ /dacã/ n. iron; metal

dacañ pwcañ /dacã pɨcã/ n. metallic pot

dacañ pwloo /dacã pɨloo/ n. metallic crowbar

daci mida /daci mida/ n. mida of lesser variety [ant. datw mida]

dahw-daaxe /dahɨ-daaxe/ v. go here and there

dali /dali/ n. dried pulse usually prepared as gravy and taken with rice [or. Assamese]

daliñ /dalĩ/ n. path made by a hunter; hunting track [var. dwliñ]

damiñda /damĩda/ n. a variety of Apatani traditional dance, accompanied by bwsí

damu /damu/ n. wooden digging stick used as an agricultural implement

dañ /dã/ vr. beat (with a stick)

dañlò /dãlò/ v. beat something down; cause to fall by beating [syn. dañte’]

dañsò /dãsò/ n. spear with long handle

dañte’ /dãteɁ/ v. beat something down; cause to fall by beating [syn. dañlò]

dañtvr /dãtǝr/ v. break something by beating

danw /danɨ/ n. heavy wooden hammer

dañxo /dãxo/ n. long sharp stick

dañxo-pa’zì /dãxo-paɁɲì/ n. weapon

dañxw /dãxɨ/ v. beat to death; kill by beating

dañxw’ /dãxɨɁ/ v. beat into fragmant (for example bone); fracture or break something by beating

dapo /dapo/ n. penalty; prohibition; sanction

dapo pogyañ /dapo pogjã/ n. an altar erected during a community penalty or to announce such a penalty

daqi /daŋi/ v. fall (from standing position); tumble

dar /dar/ vr. move or lift with a stick used as a lever

dar /dar/ vr. break (as a stick); crack; snap

daruu /daruu/ n. summer

darw’ /darɨɁ/ adj. clean; pure; clear [adv. darw’pa]

darw’ pyabya /darɨɁ pjabja/ adv. clean; pure; clear

dasvr /dasǝr/ adj. free; without burden; unencumbered [syn. heñsvr]

datw mida /datɨ mida/ n. mida of greater variety [ant. daci mida]

dazi /daɲi/ n. sun

dazi áago /daɲi áago/ n. west [syn. haatw]

dazi agyañ /daɲi agjã/ n. altar for propitiating Dazi (the Sun God)

dazi alo /daɲi alo/ n. Sunday

dazi caca /daɲi caca/ n. a small variety of cicada

dazi cago /daɲi cago/ n. east [syn. haaci]

dazi lofañ /daɲi loʎã/ n. mid-day; noon [syn. alo lwpa]

dazi riila’ /daɲi riilaɁ/ n. sunray

dazi somiñ /daɲi somĩ/ n. a species of legless lizard; Asian glass lizard (Ophisaurus gracillis)

dazi tatw’ arnw’ /daɲi tatɨɁ arnɨɁ/ n. solar eclipse

dazo /daɲo/ adj. without reason; aimless [adv. dazopa]

de’ /deɁ/ vr. crack; split; rapture

de’ /deɁ/ vr. plait or weave

de’go /deɁgo/ n. crack

de’lo /deɁlo/ n. frame of a basket, etc.

defañ rwcañ /deʎã rɨcã/ n. bell used by prist during rituals [syn. defañ rwci]

defañ rwci /deʎã rɨci/ n. bell [syn. defañ rwcañ]

dekiñ /dekĩ/ n. clay

dekiñ pwcañ /dekĩ pɨcã/ n. clay pot

dema /dema/ adj. naughty; disobedient [ant. deñkí]

dema úì /dema úì/ n. evil spirit

dempyo /dempjo/ n. mouse

deñki /dẽki/ adj. sincere; obedient [ant. dema]

deqe /deŋe/ n. hair (of a child)

dibur /dibur/ n. mole cricket (Gryllotalpidae)

didu /didu/ n. liquid container of bamboo [syn. dije]

didvr /didǝr/ adj. fluent, as in speech; articulate

diì /diì/ vr. detach; peel

díi /díi/ vr. plant; transplant; implant

diifañ /diiʎã/ n. areas of human activity between the forests and the villages

diifañ pákù /diiʎã pákù/ n. Mountain Imperial Pigeon (Ducula badia)

diigò /diigò/ n. matter; issue; work

diiha /diiha/ n. clay soil

diiko’ /diikoɁ/ n. hard soil; lumps of soil

díiñ /díĩ/ vr. curse

diipa’ /diipaɁ/ v. peel off; detach

diipe /diipe/ n. spade

diixw /diixɨ/ n. coarse sand [syn. swxw; súrù]

dije’ /diɟeɁ/ n. portable bamboo vessel (esp. for carrying liquor) [syn. didu]

diliñ /dilĩ/ n. hair bun; tresses of bundled hair

dimpu /dimpu/ n. white hair

dimu /dimu/ n. hair (of head)

dimvr /dimǝr/ n. dust [syn. pwmvr]

diñ /dĩ/ vr. pound with something

diñ nanw /dĩ nanɨ/ n. pillow; headrest [syn. garu]

diñgyañ /dĩgjã/ n. fencepost

diñko /dĩko/ n. metal skewer inserted horizontally through the male hair knot [syn. pwdiñ xootu]

diñta’ /dĩtaɁ/ n. scalp; top portion of head

diñtu /dĩtu/ v. nod

diñtu’ /dĩtuɁ/ v. comb

diñxo /dĩxo/ adj. bald-headed; hairless [syn. duñxó]

diñxu’ /dĩxuɁ/ n. skull

ditiñ /ditĩ/ n. cliff; ravine

ditiñ ya’ì /ditĩ jaɁì/ v. landslide; mudslide

dituñ /ditũ/ n. social event; occasion [syn. dituñ-potuñ]

dituñ-potuñ /ditũ-potũ/ n. ceremony; social event; occasion [syn. dituñ]

ditvr /ditǝr/ n. lumps of soil (esp. in paddy fields)

diyu’ /diɁju/ n. marsh; swamp

do /do/ v. be; exist; lie [ant. zima]

dobw-takvr alo /dobɨ-takǝr alo/ n. Thursday

dodiñ-dolo /dodĩ-dolo/ n. world; realm [syn. doha-dolo]

dogiñ /dogĩ/ n. genesis; origin; creation; migration

doha /doha/ n. world; realm [syn. doha-dolo]

doha-dolo /doha-dolo/ n. world; realm [syn. dodiñ-dolo]

doji’ ro’po /doɟiɁ roɁpo/ n. Asian Fairy Bluebird (Irena puella)

domiñ /domĩ/ adj. cloudy; rainy [ant. doqe’]

domiñ-doqe’ /domĩ-doŋeɁ/ n. fatique due to change in weather

dompo turla /dompo turla/ n. large bamboo glass

doñ /dõ/ vr. stitch; seam

doodu /doodu/ n. drop

doofa’ /dooʎaɁ/ n. lightening

doolañ /doolã/ adj. brownish

dooli /dooli/ n. sickness; fever

doomu /doomu/ adj. cloudy; overcast

doopw’ /doopɨɁ/ v. sleep together with head in same direction [ant. doosi’]

doorò /doorò/ adj. big (of an animal or vehicle) [ant. dorzó]

doosi’ /doosiɁ/ v. sleep together with head in opposite direction [ant. doopw’]

dopaa /dopaa/ n. a children’s game played with pebbles

dopu mwdóo /dopu mɨdóo/ n. drizzle on a sunny day

doqe’ /doŋeɁ/ adj. sunny; cloudless [ant. domiñ]

dor /dor/ vr. become a captive or a prisoner

dorgi /dorgi/ n. earthworm

dormaa /dormaa/ n. salary; wage

dorw /dorɨ/ n. winter

dorzó /dorɲó/ adj. small (of an animal or a vehicle) [ant. doorò]

dotw /dotɨ/ n. sky [syn. mwdóo; yapuñ]

doxo-acañ /doxo-acã/ n. corner in the house reserved for ritual altars

doza’ /doɲaɁ/ n. sunny day; cloudless day

du /du/ vr. drip (of water)

/dù/ vr. dig; excavate

du’ /duɁ/ _vr. throb; beat (as of heart)

du’ /duɁ/ vr. offer something for sale; market

du’ca /duɁca/ v. get excited; be motivated; fired up [syn. sa’ca]

du’jo /duɁɟo/ n. commission paid to a sale agent

dui /dui/ n. tobacco [syn. muku]

dukañ /dukã/ n. shop [or. Assamese]

dula /dula/ n. rope to tie dogs [syn. akì dula]

dulu /dulu/ n. the system of giving another person the responsibility of looking after a cattle

dulu káanw /dulu káanɨ/ n. a person who looks after somebody else’s cattle

duñbiñ /dũbĩ/ adj. bald; hairless [syn. duñxó]

dur /dur/ vr. dig and push (for example with the snout of a pig) [var. dór]

durgu /durgu/ n. wooden trough

dutiñ /dutĩ/ n. wooden block for sitting on

duu /duu/ n. paddy for unhusking [syn. dwlo]

dùu /dùu/ v. sit

dùuha /dùuha/ v. sit down

dùuhi /dùuhi/ v. vacate a sit

dùuko /dùuko/ n. place of residence; sitting place

dùuko-dako /dùuko dako/ n. accomodation; address

dùukuñ /dùukũ/ n. meeting; gathering; assembly; congregation [v. sit together]

dùumo /dùumo/ v. take rest

dùusa /dùusa/ v. sit at a distance

duxu-pafo /duxu-paʎo/ n. luggage; household articles

dw /dɨ/ v. eat; have a meal; dine

dw’ /dɨɁ/ v. have adverse or allergic reaction to something ingested

dwbe /dɨbe/ v. eat to heart’ content; eat so much one cannot eat any more

dwbuñ /dɨbũ/ n. greedy; gluttonous

dwdw’ /dɨdɨɁ/ v. poison (by eating) [adj. poisonous]

dwdw’ tahiñ /dɨdɨɁ tahĩ/ n. poisonous mushroom

dwgoo /dɨgoo/ n. food; eatable

dwhi-dwmí /dɨhi-dɨmi/ adj. choosy about food

dwho-luho /dɨho-luho/ adj. offending

dwle’ /dɨleɁ/ n. remaining food after consumption

dwli-dwlo /dɨli-dɨlo/ adj. grandeur (of scenary); beautiful (of landscape)

dwliñ /dɨlĩ/ n. path made by a hunter; hunting track [var. daliñ]

dwlo /dɨlo/ n. paddy for unhusking [syn. duu}

dwlw kwce /dɨlɨ kɨce/ n. bamboo glass for measuring rice

dwma-haama /dɨma-haama/ n. purification ritual

dwme /dɨme/ n. famine; food shortage [syn. haaya-myoxa]

dwmw nanw /dɨmɨ nanɨ/ n. side dish

dwnw pafo /dɨnɨ paʎo/ n. an element of a ritual altar

dwnw-barnw /dɨnɨ-barnɨ/ n. wives of brothers (term of reference)

dwpyo /dɨpjo/ v. steal; pirate; plagiarize

dwpyó /dɨpjó/ v. eat first

dwpyò /dɨpjò/ adj. tasty, to eat [ant. dwrúu]

dwpyo aíi /dɨpjo aíi/ n. canine tooth

dwpyo’ /dɨpjoɁ/ v. eat something to add taste to a meal

dwpyo’-tañso’ /dɨpjoɁ-tãsoɁ/ v. eat or drink something to break the monotony or to add taste to the food

dwpyonw /dɨpjonɨ/ n. thief; robber; bandit

dwqó /dɨŋó/ n. left over food

dwraa-lozañ /dɨraa-loɲã/ n. in the coming years

dwraada /dɨraada/ adv. next year

dwrañ /dɨrã/ n. principal marriage gift to bride’s parent; one who gets such marriage gift

dwrañ-sañxañ /dɨrã-sãxã/ n. a variety of edible berries [syn. saanci]

dwri /dɨri/ n. purchase of food in times of scarcity or in anticipation of scarcity

dwri-hulo /dɨri-hulo/ n. prosperity (in terms of number of children)

dwri’-paci’ /dɨriɁ-paciɁ/ n. luggage; household articles

dwro’ /dɨroɁ/ n. medicine; drug [or. Assamese]

dwru /dɨru/ adj. tasteless; unpleasant to eat [ant. dwpyò]

dwrw /dɨrɨ/ adj. late; delayed

dwsw /dɨsɨ/ n. edible; food

dwxu’ /dɨxuɁ/ n. left over food

dwxu’-tañxu’ /dɨxuɁ-tãxuɁ/ n. left over eatables

dwzo-mwzo /dɨɲo-mɨɲo/ v. practice; rehearse [n. rehearsal]