ra /ra/ vr. build (a structure); construct; fabricate

ra’ /raɁ/ vr. bind; strap; fasten

ra’po /raɁpo/ v. tie on something; strap [syn. rw’po ]

ra’tiñ /raɁtĩ/ v. fasten (as of a door)

raa /raa/ vr. avenge; take revenge for

raabúu /raabúu/ n. hollow

rade emo /rade emo/ n. a late ripening variety of paddy

ragyañ /ragjã/ n. a pole of kwra tree used to carry the Myoko pig.

rahe /rahe/ adv. serious; solemn; earnest; profound

raji /raɟi/ n. plastic

raju’ /raɟuɁ/ n. a variety of coarsely netted cane basket

ratiñ /ratĩ/ v. answer appropriately; silence a query

rafúpyala /raʎúpjala/ adj. absentminded; forgetful; distracted

rahw /rahɨ/ v. rotate something

rako /rako/ n. tortoise [var. rwko] [syn. samiñ rako]

rañ /rã/ vr. tie; tether

rañda /rãda/ n. smoothing plane or. Assamese

rañtw /rãtɨ/ n. sacred grove

rapw /rapɨ/ v. position breadthwise [Ant. rasó]

rapw’ /rapɨɁ/ n. a space underneath

rari hamañ /rari hamã/ n. a variety of vegetable (Piper brachystachum) [var. raru hamañ]

raru hamañ /raru hamã/ n. a variety of wild vegetable

rasó /rasó/ v. position lengthwise [Ant. rapw]

razi’ /raɲiɁ/ n. chain

re’ /reɁ/ vr. cross (a river); traverse; travel across

re’ /reɁ/ vr. shave; scrape

re’bya /reɁbja/ n. ladder [syn. abya]

re’ke /reɁke/ n. ceiling

re’ke re’bya /reɁke reɁbja/ n. ladder leading to the ceiling [syn. re’ke abya]

re’ke abya /reɁke abja/ n. ladder leading to the ceiling [syn. re’ke re’bya]

re’ke ubúu /reɁke ubúu/ n. the opening to give access to the ceiling space

re’xa’ /reɁxaɁ/ v. injure by scraping with something

rel garw /rel garɨ/ n. train or. Assamese

reqe /reŋe/ adj. tired [var. reqw]

ri /ri/ vr. read Or. Assamese

ri /ri/ vr. throw [syn. ku], go

rì afiñ /rì aʎĩ/ n. the day after tomorrow evening

rì alo /ro alo/ n. the day after tomorrow [syn. rìda]

rì arò /ro arò/ n. the day after tomorrow morning

rica /rica/ v. throw something up [ant. rilo]

ríi /ríi/ n. drool

ríi /ríi/ vr. sew; stitch

rìi /rìi/ vr. mark; mark a line

ribo /ribo/ v. throw something across

riibu /riibu/ n. a variety of fish; eel

rica /rica/ v. throw something upwards [Ant. rilo]

rìda /rida/ n. the day after tomorrow [syn. rì alo]

rida’ /ridaɁ/ v. throw at the target [ant. rixa’]

rixa’ /rixaɁ/ v. miss the target while throwing [ant. rida’]

ridóo /ridóo/ v. throw far

riila’ /riilaɁ/ n. tendril

riila’ /riilaɁ/ n. ray (of sun); beam

riliñ /rilĩ/ v. throw something out

rilo /rilo/ v. throw something downwards [Ant. rica]

rilw’ /rilɨɁ/ v. throw in

riimi /rimi/ n. spider [var. riñbi] [syn. wci riimi]

ríipiñ /ríipĩ/ v. close something by stitching or sewing

riñbi /rĩbi/ n. spider [var. riimi] [syn. wci riimi]

riñbi tasuñ /rĩbi tasũ/ n. spide web

ripa’ /ripaɁ/ v. throw something away

riite /riite/ n. a short necklace of white beads worn by children

rimi-romo /rimi-romo/ adj. innocent; confused

rimyo’-riso /rimjoɁ-riso/ adj. striped; streaked; variegated [syn. ripó-rilo]

ripó-rílo /ripó-rilo/ adj. striped; streaked; variegated [syn. rimyo’-riso]

riri tami /riri tami/ n. a variety of creeper used as a vegetable; Chinese creeper (Mikania micrantha)

rizo /riɲo/ n. rings of bamboo splits

rizo gyadu /riɲo gjadu/ n. rings of bamboo splits that are hoisted with poles in the tombs of priests

ro bari’ /ro bariɁ/ n. whirlwind [syn. mifa bari’]

ro’ /roɁ/ vr. snatch; seize

ro’ko /roɁko/ n. a bamboo strip that tightens the beams of a house

ro’nw /roɁnɨ/ n. hen [Ant. ro’po]

ro’pi /roɁpi/ n. a ritual of repentance after accidental killing of certain animals or human

ro’po /roɁpo/ n. cock [Ant. ro’nw]

roha /roha/ v. dry over fire

rohiñhe /rohĩhe/ adv. thrice; three times

ronw /ronɨ/ n. madman; lunatic; maniac [syn. runw]

roñ /rõ/ vr. burn; scorch; set on fire

roñ /rõ/ vr. break relationship; avoid (esp. a relation); antipathy; abhorence

roñ /rõ/ vr. be mad; go insane; become crazy [var. ruñ]

roñpe /rõpe/ adv. four times

roñxe /rõxe/ adv. six times

/rò/ vr. spy; observe furtively; keep an eye on

roqe /roŋe/ adv. once; one time

roqe kamyañ /roŋe kamjã/ adv. always; every time

roqe roqe /roŋe roŋe/ adv. sometimes; off and on

roqohe /roŋohe/ adv. five times

rori /rori/ n. spectacles; eyeglasses

roze /roɲe/ adv. twice; two times

ruu /ruu/ vr. chase away; drive away

ru /ru/ vr. sneak; plot; machinate; conspire

rugu /rugu/ v. take care of security; guard

rui /rui/n. ear wax [syn. yarú rui]

rumali /rumali/ n. handkerchief or. Assamese

ruñ /rũ/ vr. be mad; go insane; become crazy [var. roñ]

ruñgya’ /rũgjaɁ/ adj. crazy; mad; insane; not right in the head

ruñku-rufa /rũku-ruʎa/ n. half mad; maniacal

ruñtì /rũti/ v. crouch with heads lowered

runw /runɨ/ n. madman; lunatic; maniac [var. ronw]

rupu /rupu/ n. silver [var. rwpu]

ruu /ruu/ vr. drill; bore a hole in; make a hole in

rúu /rúu/ vr. shed (as trees do of leaves)

ru-xa /ru-xa/ n. noise; tumult; commotion

rubi’ yarú /rubiɁ jarú/ n. right ear

rubi /rubi/ n. deaf

rubiñ /rubĩ/ n. earlobe [syn. yarú rubiñ]

ruci yarú /ruci jarú/ n. left ear

rupiñ /rupĩ/ n. earring

rutiñ /rutĩ/ n. earing

rutiñ hwrañ /rutĩ hɨrã/ n. a variety of earring worn by women

ruyó /rujó/ n. a variety of cane earring

rw /rɨ/ vr. stagnate (as do the water)

rw’ /rɨɁ/ vr. bind; strap

rw’ /rɨɁ/ vr. cut into pieces with sawing or slicing movement

rw’ /rɨɁ/ vr. sit (as do the chickens); perch; roost

rw’lo /rɨɁlo/ v. pour a liquid down

rw’po /rɨɁpo/ v. tie on something [syn. ra’po]

rw’ti /rɨɁti/ v. bind tightly

rw’tú /rɨɁtú/ n. a part of marriage ceremony in which paddy a newly married couple harvest paddy from the bride’s family field

rwbiñ /rɨbĩ/ n. area of slash and burn cultivation

rwbó afiñ /rɨbó aʎĩ/ n. the evening after three days

rwbó alo /rɨbó alo/ n. three days hence [syn. rwbóda]

rwbó arò /rɨbó arò/ n. the morning after three days

rwbóda /rɨbóda/ n. three days hence [syn. rwbó alo]

rwbw /rɨbɨ/ n. railing

rwgañ /rɨgã/ n. edge; border; boundary

rwgiñ /rɨgĩ/ n. an element of gwrw (trap)

rwgo’ /rɨgoɁ/ n. cane loop tied on the horns of cows or mithuns

rwgw-raga /rɨgɨ-raga/ adj. lean and thin [syn. cwgw-caga]

rwhiñ /rɨhĩ/ n. a variety of tree

rwjañ /rɨɟã/ n. a bamboo species (Chimonobambusa sp.)

rwko /rɨko/ n. a variety of hardy perennial creeper; sweet tea vine (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)

rwko /rɨko/ n. tortoise [var. rako] [syn. samiñ rwko]

rwlañ /rɨlã/ adj. euphemism for “heavy” when referred to the weight of a baby

rwme /rɨme/ n. Nepalese alder (Alnus nepalensis)

rwpu /rɨpu/ n. silver [var. rupu]

rwsi-rwse /rɨsi-rɨse/ adj. messy; disorganized; chaotic; cluttered

rww /rɨɨ/ vr. buy; purchase [Ant. pyu’]

rwxw afiñ /rɨxɨ aʎĩ/ n. the evening after four days

rwxw alo /rɨxɨ alo/ n. four days hence [syn. rwxwda]

rwxw arò /rɨxɨ arò/ n. the morning after four days

rwxwda /rɨxɨda/ n. four days hence [syn. rwxw alo]