fa’ /ʎaɁ/ vr. burn; singe; smolder

fa’ /ʎaɁ/ vr. lick

fa’co /ʎaɁco/ n. tiny metal bell [syn. za’co]

fa’ge’ /ʎaɁgeɁ/ v. catch (fire)

fa’ka /ʎaɁka/ v. taste (by licking)

fa’pyo /ʎaɁpjo/ n. dry cultivation area (esp. for millet)

fafu /ʎaʎu/ n. an elemenet of sacrificial altar

fagya /ʎagja/ adj. usual; normal; habitual; customary

fañ /ʎã/ v. bless

fañca /ʎãca/ v. flow up (of water); overflow

fañpiñ-cañtuñ /ʎãpĩ-cãtũ/ n. protective deity in the household

fañso /ʎãso/ n. metallic skewer [syn. ufañ kuti]

fanw /ʎanɨ/ n. one who blesses; God

fapu pufe /ʎapu puʎe/ n. an ordinary customary white shawl

faqa /ʎaŋa/ v. flow in (of water)

fe /ʎe/ vr. wade through

fe’ /ʎeɁ/ vr. roll something (esp. thread between the palms)

fe’be /ʎeɁbe/ n. larva of water beetle [syn. bukofe’be]

fe’ko /ʎeɁko/n. doorlatch [syn. arkonanw; fe’pu]

fe’po /ʎeɁpo/ v. join a thread by rollin on the palms

fe’pu /ʎeɁpu/ n. doorlatch; horizontal piece of bamboo holding the framework of a door [syn. arkonanw; fe’ko]

fego /ʎego/ n. threshold; entrance

feñ /ʎẽ/ vr. measure with outstretched hands

/ʎì/ v. become

fi’cu pwzañ /ʎiɁcu pɨɲã/ n. ceremonial friend who exchange the heads of sacrificed pigs

fi’do /ʎiɁdo/ n. food for pigs

fi’kuñ-firi /ʎiɁkũ-ʎiri/ adj. wrinkled; crease; pucker; crinkle

fi’la /ʎiɁla/ n. the legs of the pigs sacrificed during Myoko which are usually presented to the cousins

fihe /ʎihe/ post. till; until

fíi /ʎíi/ vr. slither (as snakes do)

fiifi’ /ʎiʎiɁ/ adj. horrifying [syn. aha fiifi’]

firo toko /ʎiro toko/ n. uvula

fiyo’ /ʎijoɁ/ n. portion of meat which is the extra fat covering of the stomach

fo’gañ /ʎoɁgã/ n. blunt edge of the sword

fo’li /ʎoɁli/ n. machete handle; handle or butt of a machete; hilt

fo’ro /ʎoɁro/ n. sharp edge of the sword

fofi’-coci’ /ʎoʎiɁ-cociɁ/ n. rogue; an unreliable person [syn. suru dozó]

fohe /ʎohe/ n. one type; one variety

fo /ʎo/ vr. jump

foo /ʎoo/ vr. tease out the outer layer of a bamboo as a rope

fóo /ʎóo/ vr. collect, esp. firewood

fòobó /ʎóobó/ v. jump across

fòohá /ʎóohá/ v. jump in