Y य /y/
ya /ja/ n. nephew (term of address)
ya’du’-ya’zu’ /jaɁduɁ-jaɁɲuɁ/ adj. tattered; ruined; decayed
ya’hi /jaɁhi/ v. collapse; cave in; crumple
ya’lañ /jaɁlã/ n. boneless portion of red meat [syn. yo aya’]
ya’pu-ya’lañ /jaɁpu-jaɁlã/ n. a variety of Muruñ festival considered to be of higher status
yaa /jaa/ vr. rot; decay; decompose
yaabuñ /jaabũ/ adj. dull (of a person)
yaaje’ /jaaɟeɁ/ adj. garrulous (of a person)
yaanw /jaanɨ/ adj. rotten
yaaxu’ /jaaxuɁ/ n. residue of something after rotting or decomposition
yabiñ /jabĩ/ n. a variety of bamboo (Cephalostachium capitatum)
yaci’ /jaciɁ/ v. close (a sliding door)
yacu /jacu/ n. small bamboo container for salt or tobacco
yadiñ /jadĩ/ n. storage basket of bamboo or cane
yagw /jagɨ/ n. cane or bamboo basket
yahiñ /jahĩ/ adj. rotten (esp. of wood)
yai /jai/ n. variety of bamboo (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii)
yaji-yalo /jaɟi-jalo/ n. soul
yaju’ /jaɟuɁ/ n. ladle
yaju’ pwxo /jaɟuɁ pɨxo/ n. a variety of dragonfly
yalañ /jalã/ n. stone
yalañ pombo /jalã pombo/ n. hairy catterpillar
yalañ pwro /jalã pɨro/ n. a small egg container of bamboo
yali /jali/ n. fox
yalo /jalo/ n. shadow; reflection; echo
yalo bi’ /jalo biɁ/ v. echo; resonate; reverberate
yalu /jalu/ n. dispute; conflict; controversy
yalu-yabya /jalu-jabja/ n. stylish; fashionable
yama /jama/ adj. poor
yamu /jamu/ n. fire
yamu muku /jamu muku/ n. smoke
yamu mwfo /jamu mɨʎo/ n. flame
yamu mwri /jamu mɨri/ n. charcoal; embers
yamu’ /jamuɁ/ adj. ashy (color)
yamyo /jamjo/ n. color pattern of she-mithun, described as overall black with a white spots on either side
yamyó /jamjó/ n. floor of split bamboo
yana /jana/ n. a species of bamboo
yañko patw /jãko patɨ/ n. lion (Panthera lion)
yanu /janu/ adj. calm; peaceful; slow
yanw /jãnɨ/ n. leaf [syn. anw]
yapa /japa/ n. young man
yapiñ /japĩ/ n. nose
yapiñ ái /japĩ ái/ n. epistaxis; bleeding from the nose
yapiñ hulo /japĩ hulo/ n. nose plug
yapiñ huxo /japĩ huxo/ n. bamboo pin used to puncture the nose
yapiñ twpe /japĩ tɨpe/ n. tattoo on the nose
yapiñ ubúu /japĩ ubúu/ n. nostril
yapuñ /japũ/ n. sky
yapuñ genwñ /japũ genɨ̃/ n. thunder
yapúu /japúu/ n. a color pattern of mithun with overall while color
yapvr /japǝr/ n. mortar
yapyo /japjo/ n. winnower
yaqo /jaŋo/ num. five
yar /jar/ vr. persuade; coax; convince; win over
yara /jara/ n. a cane basket used by males for fetching firewood
yarì /jarì/ n. traditional loincloth worn by males
yarlo /jarlo/ v. calm someone down
yarú /jarú/ n. ear
yarú huxo /jarú huxo/ n. ear plug
yarú rui /jarú rui/ n. ear wax [syn. rui]
yaru’ /jaruɁ/ n. a variety of plant
yasañ /jasã/ n. firewood; wood
yasi /jasi/ n. water
yasi anw /jasi anɨ/ n. water beetle [syn. cuuzi]
yasi harxw /jasi harxɨ/ n. whirlpool
yasi paje’ /jasi paɟeɁ/ n. water birds
yasi pari /jasi pari/ n. common kingfisher
yasi pariñ /jasi parĩ/ n. stork (Ciconia nigra)
yasi piñta /jasi pĩta/ n. water bucket; water pot
yasi yaju’ /jasi jaɟuɁ/ n. water ladle
yasi yalo /jasi jalo/ n. reflection
yasi yaru’ /jasi jaruɁ/ n. water hyacinth (Eichhomia crassipes)
yaso /jaso/ n. cane
yasw’ /jasɨɁ/ v. wash (one’s hand)
yata /jata/ adj. color pattern of she-mithun, described as overall black with a white spots on either side
yatañ /jatã/ n. snacks; fice flour
yato pano /jato pano/ n. an aquatic insect
yatw’ /jatɨɁ/ n. umbrella of bamboo and leaves covering the head and the back
yau /jau/ n. a color pattern of mithun with overall black color with white in the lower portions of the limbs
yaw /jaɨ/ n. axe
yaxañ /jaxã/ n. large liquid container of bamboo wicker whose inner linin is coated with rubber
yaxo /jaxo/ n. stick
yo /jo/ n. meat
yo asóo /jo asóo/ n. strips of smoke preserved pork
yo aya’ /jo ajaɁ/ n. fleshy portion of meat [syn. ya’lañ]
yo badè /jo badè/ n. ceiling rack for storing meat [syn. xaci; bade]
yo patvr /jo patǝr/ n. cane basket for storing meat
yo tardu /jo tardu/ n. a bamboo container for storing meat [syn. tardu]
yo yaxo /jo jaxo/ n. skewer (for meat)
yofañ /joʎã/ n. dead of night
yofañ lwpa /joʎã lɨpa/ n. midnight
yopo /jopo/ n. cane basket
yorbw /jorbɨ/ n. uphill
yordiñ /jordĩ/ n. upper portion of a hill [ant. yorko]
yorgañ /jorgã/ n. ridge (esp. of mountains)
yorko /jorko/ n. lower portion of a hill [ant. yordiñ]
yorlu /jorlu/ n. vegetable garden located away from the village
yormw’ /jormɨɁ/ n. dried chilly pepper
yorsañ /jorsã/ n. green chilly
yorsiñ /jorsĩ/ n. dry chilly
yorxañ /jorxã/ n. Sichuan pepper [syn. yorxuñ]
yorxuñ /jorxũ/ n. Sichuan pepper [syn. yorxañ]
yorxuñ hamañ /jorxũ hamã/ n. toothache plant; paracress (Acmella oleracea)
yu /ju/ vr. chant an ayú
yu’ /juɁ/ vr. skewer
yu’ti /juɁti/ v. tighten; tie something tightly
yugyañ /jugjã/ n. ritual altar of the Apatanis [syn. agyañ]
yuu /juu/ vr. extend (as hand)