ude /ude/ n. house

ufañ kuti /uʎã kuti/ n. metallic poker; safety pin [syn. fañso]

ugù /ugù/ n. fireplace; hearth

ugya-ragya /ugja-ragja/ adj. with lots of holes

úì /úì/ n. spirit; god; devil

úì ácì /úì ácì/ v. dive inside water

úì atúu /úì atúu/ n. forest bug

úì bar /úì bar/ v. a variety of chanting during a particular ritual

úì bée /úì bée/ v. a variety of chanting during a particular ritual

úì inw /úì inɨ/ n. one who can communicate with the god, esp. with spirits of dead ones

úì pami /úì pami/ n. goose pimples

úì peruñ /úì perũ/ n. a variety of bean

úì subu /úì subu/ n. yak (Bos grunniens)

úì tazi’ /úì taɲiɁ/ n. cobra lily (Arisaema sp.)

ukó /ukó/ n. back; rear

ukó simbya /ukó simbja/ n. rear balcony

ulu-byalu /ulu-bjalu/ adj. messy; unappetizing syn. byurw-byarw

umyú /umjú/ adj. pointed (as of a tip)

/ũ/ vr. sip; take a sip

ura /ura/ n. inside (as of a house) [ant. agoo]

ura imi’ /ura imiɁ/ n. second hearth towards the back of the house

urú /urú/ n. family

uskul /uskul/ n. school [or. English] [syn. wskul]

utuñ buluñ /utũ bulũ/ adj. chubby; healthy [var. tatuñ buluñ]

utw /utɨ/ n. camel [or. Assamese]

ubúu /ubúu/ n. hole

uuguñ /uugũ/ n. entrance of a hole

uuko /uuko/ n. hole

une /une/ n. wound

une gwkor /une gɨkor/ n. scar

une ceñxo /une cẽxo/ n. crust over a wound

une pagw /une pagɨ/ v. get wounded

uunw /uunɨ/ n. main entrance of a hole [ant. uusvr]

uurañ /uurã/ adj. deep [syn. aarañ] [ant. uuxa’]

uurò /uurò/ adj. big (of hole) [ant. uuzó]

uro /uro/ adv. forcefully; strongly

uusvr /uusǝr/ n. exist of a hole [ant. uunw]

uuxa’ /uuxaɁ/ adj. shallow [syn. aaxa’] [ant. ùurañ]

uuzó /uuɲó/ adj. small (of hole) [ant. uurò]