xa /xa/ vr. peel; pare; skin; take the skin off

xaa /xaa/ vr. collect; collect contributions [syn. mya]

xa’ce /xaɁce/ v. split; break apart

xáa /xáa/ vr. bark (of a barking deer)

xaañcu’ /xaãcuɁ/ n. can container with a lid (esp. to store rice)

xaaruñ /xaarũ/ n. a benevolent god that protects a household

xaaruñ agyañ /xaarũ agjã/ n. altar for the xaruñ god

xaata’ /xaataɁ/ adj. dirty; stain on the face after crying

xaci /xaci/ n. ceiling rack for storing meat [syn. yo bade; bade]

xañ /xã/ vr. narrate; gossip

xañxañ /xãxã/ adv. firmly; pervently; forcefully [syn. xañxañ dwrañ]

xañxañ-dwrañ /xãxã-dɨrã/ adv. firmly; pervently; forcefully [syn. xañxañ]

xapa’ /xapaɁ/ v. scrape something off

xapo /xapo/ n. bamboo rack above the fireplace

xapú /xapú/ v. peel off

xaq /xaŋ/ n. bed; cot [syn. saq]

xaqá /xaŋá/ v. kneel down

xaqe fañge /xaŋe ʎãge/ n. water scorpion (Nepidae)

xe /xe/ vr. read; count

xe /xe/ vr. distribute; divide

xe /xe/ vr. force something

/xè/ vr. suffice; be enough

xe’ /xeɁ/ vr. cry; sob

xe’ /xeɁ/ vr. put on dress; cover

xe’ /xeɁ/ vr. winnow

xeda harnw /xeda harnɨ/ n. special messenger, usually female, who informs about a ritual like Subu or Muruñ to the traditional friends in other villages

xe’liñ /xeɁlĩ/ v. take off; uncover [ant. xe’lw’]

xe’lw’ /xeɁlɨɁ/ v. put on; cover [ant. xe’liñ]

xe’pa’ /xeɁpaɁ/ v. undress; take dress off

xe’qw /xeɁŋɨ/ v. sob impulsively

xée /xêe/ vr. fry; roast

xeeñ /xeẽ/ vr. roast

xei /xei/ n. cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)

xei áfò /xei áʎò/ n. cinnamon bark

xeli /xeli/ v. play

xelo /xelo/ n. ritual occasion in Myoko festival on which the gods are bade farewell, usually on the 15th day of the festival

xelw’ /xelɨɁ/ v. force someone to do something

xeñ /xẽ/vr. cut

xeñ /xẽ/vr. toil [syn. apó xeñ]

xeñji’ /xẽɟiɁ/ n. temple [var. xezi’]

xeñji’ amú /xẽɟiɁ amú/ n. hair on the temple

xeñpi /xẽpi/ v. dry by heating

xeñqu /xẽŋu/ v. warm something

xeñtw pakù /xẽtɨ pakù/ n. ashy wood pigeon (Columba pulchricollis)

xeta’ /xetaɁ/ n. book [or. Assamese]

xezi’ /xeɲiɁ/ n. temple [var. xeñji’]

xirki /xirki/ n. window

xo’ /xoɁ/ vr. crow (as a cock)

xo’ /xoɁ/ vr. pry open

xo’kó-xo’pè /xoɁkó-xoɁpè/ adj. disorganized; mess; tangled

xomu /xomu/ n. ritual element of an altar

xomyú /xomjú/ adj. tapering

xoñcañ /xõcã/ n. corner

xoñdañ /xõdã/ n. front or back wall of a house [syn. piñdañ]

xoñxuñ /xõxũ/ n. falcon; eagle

xoo /xoo/ vr. stir

xooló /xooló/ adj. main; supreme; principal; chief; head

xoopa’ /xoopaɁ/ v. remove something by using a stick as a lever

xootu /xootu/ n. metal skewer for male hair knot

/xú/ vr. aim

/xú/ vr. cut off; prune

/xú/ vr. measure

xugyu’ /xugjuɁ/ n. funnel shaped cane or bamboo distiller

xui’ /xuiɁ/ adj. sour

xuñta /xũta/ n. timber; wooden post

xuu /xuu/ adj. old

xw /xɨ/ num. six

xw /xɨ/ vr. cost; value

xw /xɨ/ vr. count; innumerate

xw /xɨ/ vr. slide while in sitting position; scoot

xw’ /xɨɁ/ vr. prod; pound

xwka /xɨɁka/ v. count; innumerate

xw’ko’ /xɨɁkoɁ/ v. unbolt

xwbe /xɨbe/ n. other

xwbo ajiñ /xɨbo aɟĩ/ n. ceremonial friend

xwbo lariñ /xɨbo larĩ/ n. millipede

xwce /xɨce/ v. divide (by counting) [Entym. xw (count) + tace (divide)]

xwdiñ /xɨdĩ/ v. add

xwjañ /xɨɟã/ n. small intestine

xwjañ-xwro /xɨɟã-xɨro/ n. bowels

xwlañ /xɨlã/ n. a variety of red-brown squirrel

xwnwñ /xɨnɨ̃/ adj. costly; valued

xwpa’ /xɨpaɁ/ v. substract

xwpó /xɨpó/ v. cut a tree in the middle of its trunk

xwqw-xaqa /xɨŋɨ-xaŋa/ adj. muddle

xwro /xɨro/ n. large intestine

xwtiñ /xɨtĩ/ v. compare

xww /xɨɨ/ vr. boil; cook

xww /xɨɨ/ vr. tie (esp. hair into a knot)

xwwgu /xɨɨgu/ v. warm something by boiling

xwwke /xɨɨke/ v. tie loosely

xwwnw /xɨɨnɨ/ n. navel

xwwnwñ /xɨɨnɨ̃/ adj. cooked

xwwtw /xɨɨtɨ/ n. ascites

xwxu-xwce /xɨxu-xɨce/ v. discriminate; differentiate